This is a republishing of Wizards's story of Raben Amsel, the main character for the ARG game created during the original Innistrad set in 2011. It was lost in the website migration, so here it is remade for you all, with the explanation article at the top. Enjoy!
RE: Josh Brauer
Hello everyone. I'm Ryan Miller, senior game designer here at Wizards and a good friend of Josh Brauer's.
you're not sure who I'm talking about, let me fill you in. Weeks ago,
we started leaking bits of story in the form of various letters, journal
entries and other in-world correspondences leading up to the release of
Innistrad. Some of you may have even received a postcard in the mail with the mysterious "" URL on it.
So What Was This All About?
started as an idea I had of a way to tell a story. We've done lots of
stuff in the past, including novels, comics and online articles to flesh
out the story of Magic. When I heard that we were doing Innistrad, I was very excited. I've always been a fan of gothic horror, from Dracula to Castlevania.
had also run a few small Alternate Reality Games, or ARGs, in the past,
and the thing that struck me most about them was their ability to get
the players invested in the story and the characters. It's one thing to
read a story, and quite another to experience it, and that's what I was going for.
most "traditional" ARGs have a lot of puzzle content, but for this one I
chose to avoid that. I was worried that it would be a barrier to entry,
and ultimately a barrier to the story. So, what I chose to do instead
was to write a story and scatter it around the web, so the "game" would
be more like a scavenger hunt rather than a puzzle hunt.

it wasn't really an ARG at all, just a different way to tell a story. I
think "chaotic fiction" is the term that describes it best.
The Story
really wanted to convey the intense desperation of the humans of this
plane. Everything is conspiring against their very existence, from
terrible nightmares come to life to people within their own ranks. Life
in Innistrad is about strife, and giving in to or overcoming it.

the course of writing this with my team, I realized we were writing a
film noir, complete with an investigator, a femme fatale, and lots of
ulterior motives. Film noir embodies so many of the themes of Innistrad:
desperation, backstabbing, plotting, high stakes, personal conflicts.
Once this direction became apparent, the story really took off.
also had to weave in the theme that is central to the world of
Innistrad: dark transformation. Of course this meant we had to include
things like vampires, demons and werewolves, but I wanted it to be
central to the main character's story as well. At its core, this is a
story of Raben's transformation from a pure-hearted warrior of Avacyn to
something... else.
The Team
Creating a story is a lot of fun, but it's more fun when you collaborate with truly talented individuals.
Jenna Helland is one of the veterans of the Magic
creative team, and was the one responsible for most of Reika's entries.
She has an excellent instinct for good story, and really breathed life
into my favorite character of the story.
Matt Tabak is more than
just a rules manager! His rules-brain helped us keep the story feeling
"real," making sure it held to our list of in-world rules. He also wrote
Geralf and Holger's entries.
Bruce Cordell is a prolific Dungeons & Dragons
writer, who has probably written more books than Merriam or Webster. He
graciously volunteered his time to advise us on good fantasy
storytelling and wrote many of the postcards.
I got to write
Raben's entries, as well as some of the other stuff. I have to admit
that this is the first time I've really creeped myself out with what I
wrote, especially these two entries:

Yeah. I'm going to have to dance in a meadow or play with puppies to get those two out of my head.
Going Forward
hope to do more of these in the future. We've certainly learned a lot
from this initial foray into this style of storytelling, and there will
be many things I'd do differently in the future.
We had the
initial challenge of making this available to non-English markets, and
that was a nut we didn't quite crack. Given the time I had to work the
other languages in, I chose to give the other offices the option of
running a localized version at the same time as the English one, and
this proved to cause more confusion than excitement. I'd probably
include exclusive content for non-English markets rather than run a
concurrent game like we did this time.
I'd also like to put much more game content in future offerings, from more puzzles to more previews. As much as Magic
players may enjoy the story, it's hard to compete with seeing new
cards, new mechanics, and new art. And while I was concerned about
puzzles keeping players from getting into it, I realized there is a need
for more ways for players to actively participate, rather than
passively reading the story bits as they are posted.
In the end,
this was something we wanted to try, some fun story bits for those of
you who enjoy that sort of thing. I hope you had as much fun playing it
as we had writing it!
I'd like to thank all the community members who worked to spread the word and everyone who enjoyed the ride. See you next time!
Check It Out!
You can find the complete compilation of all the ARG content here [link dead]. Enjoy!
And just for the record, I was wearing shorts the whole time.
The Cursed Blade
Ryan Miller and Team
Monday, October 24, 2011
A collection of
Journal entries
And other
Written by
Ryan Miller (Lead)
Jenna Helland
Matt Tabak
Bruce Cordell
Josh Brauer
* * *
* * *
(Letter from Lorelei Garensun)
32nd of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
I knew it was the right thing to do, I knew it was what Pitre would
have wanted. Beheading is the only way to keep someone from turning, and
there was no way to be sure whether he had been bitten or not. But now
my hands are forever stained, so I have decided to turn them over to
For these reasons, and many more, I beseech you to admit me to your humble order. I have no reason to remain here in Gavony.
Your sister in Avacyn,
* * *
(Journal of Raben Amsel, Cathar Adept)
60th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
This book was once a place of solace for me. A refuge. Now that its
prayers have somehow faded from its pages, I cannot help but think that
it is a sign that Avacyn has forsaken me.
My father has sent me on a mission for yet another of the weapons. I
haven't the heart to tell him that each of these quests has proven to be
near fatal. I cannot let him down—is it heresy to say that I fear his
disappointment more than Avacyn's?
He has given me the name of a village: Hanweir. After a long journey,
and a short battle with a band of brigands, I arrived this night to the
shuttering of windows and closing of doors. Whether this place is
cursed as its inhabitants believe remains to be seen. The curse of
mistrust is flourishing, however.
So this book, once a place I went to for enlightenment, now becomes a
place that will hopefully enlighten others. For I have little doubt
that this is my final sortie. If I do not return, I pray to Avacyn that
this book finds its way back home.
Father, if you are reading this, I am sorry for failing you.
* * *
* * *
(Letter from Pitre the Thatcher)
Dearest Lorelei,
You will not understand why I am leaving, which is why I have left in the night, this letter being my only explanation.
The awful truth is that I have not earned the town's accolades. The
vampire I killed was just a whelp who I caught unawares while he was
feeding on the chickens.
He didn't even see me, and that's how I was able to take his head off with my spade. I do not think he ever knew what happened!
When I took the head to the mayor, I was set on telling him the
truth. Once he saw the fangs poking out from the horrid thing's mouth,
he started a big fuss, and before I knew it, he dragged me out into the
square and announced my supposed victory to all.
I've been caught up in all this mess, and living with the truth has
driven me to near madness. I'm going to Erdwald in Nephalia to find a
real vampire, and kill it. I cannot live with myself, nor marry you,
until I have fulfilled the destiny that has been attributed to me.
11th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
* * *
* * *
(Letter from Pitre the Thatcher)
Dearest Lorelei,
It has been a harrowing journey, to be sure. Erdwald is so much
bigger than Hanweir! I fear my life has ill prepared me for such a place
as this.
I've been relieved of my meager kit by a gang of footpads that
greeted me at the town's gates, saying they were "inspectors." They were
out of sight before I realized they had fled with all I brought, save
the clothes on my back.
Fear not my love! For adversity is the soil in which opportunity
sprouts. I have taken in with the church, and they have greeted me with
open arms! A priest has given me food and shelter, and only asks me to
perform menial tasks in the upkeep of the church yards. It is a job I am
all too well suited for!
Yet Avacyn has a plan, even for me! My priest has also been
instructing me in the art of vampire hunting. I know it sounds
dangerous, and it is, but you can be assured that when I return, you can
hold your head up high as we march through the town in our wedding
14th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
* * *
* * *
(Personal journal of Thatu Reiniger, Vampire Lord)
20th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
What do I truly gain from this shadow of an existence? Gold? Tribute?
A nice house? I should have these things because I am Vampire. I should
have these things because they are mine to have, not because I've
bargained away my fangs for them.
These pathetic humans are as mewling infants. I grow tired of my
arrangement. Indeed, what does the shepherd gain from dining with his
sheep? I fear my impatience will soon overtake my honor and the
agreement I've consented to will be dust. I fear still greater that this
thought pleases me.
* * *
* * *
(Journal of Raben Amsel)
61st of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
A most enlightening day, indeed.
The town, appearing most deserted, was in fact filled with cowering
peasants. I presented my patents to the mayor, a fattened calf named
Jurgen. He eyed the scroll and waxed seals nervously, then relented to
their obvious authority.
He then proceeded to stammer out the story of a local thatcher who
had returned to the village after a journey, bleeding and near death.
Once he had reached the chapel, he fell dead at its doorstep.
What came next confirmed my suspicions that this was the man I was
sent to find. The mayor led me to the graveyard, where a grave ringed in
red dirt resided. This blood-soaked grave could only be the final
resting place of the man who had been kissed by the blade I seek.
To the sheer horror of the humble townsfolk, I ordered his body
exhumed. There was much protest, but the power of the church prevailed
and the digging commenced. The work proceeded until dusk, when the
worker's shovels at last clanked against wood.
The simple casket was saturated with blood, its timbers nearly
falling apart. Once opened, a bloody tide poured forth, to the screams
and gasps of the gathered locals. Floating within, the headless body of
Pitre the Thatcher rested.
Just as Father had told, his wound continued to pump forth blood. It
is no wonder the people of this town feel they are cursed. After
sketching the message that had been carved into his flesh, I had his
remains purified by fire. May Avacyn show him the mercy that this life
did not.
* * *
(Letter from Pitre the Thatcher)
Dearest Lorelei,
Day of days! My training is complete, and now I am on the trail of
that most unholy of abominations—Vampire. The one I hunt is clever,
there is no doubt. But I have faith on my side! Faith in Avacyn, faith
in my training, and above all, faith in the truth that the blessed sleep
is nothing compared to living a life with you.
23rd of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
* * *
(Letter from Pitre the Thatcher)
I fear I have undertaken too much. I am writing this in a small
tavern on the outskirts of town, and soon I will procure passage home,
The vampire I would hunt was only toying with me, and now I find
myself hunted. My only hope is to slip out of the thing's influence and
return to my humble beginnings.
I no longer hold any hope of returning as the man you deserve, so I
will be satisfied with being the thatcher whose services you may
sometimes require and nothing more. If I return at all.
And if I do not, remember me well.
Once yours but no longer,
25th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
* * *
* * *
(Journal of Raben Amsel)
62nd of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
The members of this village have been most begrudging in their
assistance so far. I suspect this is due to my orders to exhume the poor
thatcher, but it is something I have sensed since my arrival.
The only person who seemed to have any idea of where Pitre received
his mortal wound was his betrothed, but she has fled the village to join
a local monastery. After some pressure, her father finally allowed me
to search her meager possessions.
It was in his letters to her that I have found my next destination:
Erdwal, in Nephalia. Even as I write this, the stable-boy is preparing
my horse and the house mother is packing my things. I haven't a minute
to lose, as each that passes cools the trail.
* * *
(Letter from Thatu Reiniger)
15th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
What delicious temptation I reside in!
This town has proven to be peopled with paradox. If the weapon is as
Reika describes, it will be most useful to us. But oh for a mortal to
test it out on! My complicity with the local nobility means that I
cannot kill indiscriminately, and must only feed on the willing. Can you
imagine that?
Last night my thralls at the city gates told me of a country rube
that has come to town bent on my destruction. They have even seen him
training with that insane priest!
What a gift that has fallen into my lap...a stranger who nobody here
would miss, and sweeter still, has given me a reason to destroy him! Oh,
to be back on the hunt again!
I believe I shall let him find me, let him think that he might
succeed in his star-crossed quest. Disappointment makes the blood so
For your part, get the casks, troughs and hooks ready. If this sword
does what I'm told it does, we shall soon have use for them.
In gilded eternity,
* * *
(Journal of Raben Amsel)
75th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
I arrived in Erdwal two days ago. As distasteful as it may have been,
I chose to use subterfuge to gain entrance to the town. Pitre's letters
suggested that he had been accosted by thieves upon entrance; I
therefore chose to enter on foot, wearing my tabard alone. To the
complacent eye, I appeared to be a simple pilgrim or humble farmer,
which is precisely the effect I wished to generate.
I was not disappointed.
The light of law has too many shadows in this town. No sooner had I
entered that I was stopped by some grimy men wearing ragged uniforms
that suggested their original owners had no further need for them.
I knew their greed would be my ally, so I had fixed a large pack to
carry over my shoulder. Sure enough, this made me quite a target. They
even abandoned their pilfering of a young woman to set their sights on
me! Little victories such as this help feed my hungry soul.
"Halt!" their leader cried out to me. "Surrender your parcels for inspection!"
I stopped and said nothing. My silence was a noose that would trap
them. The others surrounded me, and as their leader reached for my kit, I
stiffened. This caused a ripple of fear to course through them, quickly
hidden by their nervous laughter. These rogues were clearly not used to
"Fine. To the gaol with this one!" This is what I wanted; to lure
them away from their familiar ground. I was grabbed by both elbows and
pushed down a nearby alleyway. This was my chance.
Pulling the hidden sword from my robes, I rained blow after blow of
righteous fury upon them. I shall write more tomorrow. Tonight I shall
spend in prayer.
* * *
(Letter from Father Jofridus)
My son Raben,
I hope this letter finds you well. I heard of your victory in Kessig.
Yes, many cathars fought at your side. But you were the strategist. The
church is truly fortunate to have a warrior of your character and
I must call on you again, Raben. It's been a while since I burdened
you with a quest. Perhaps you thought it was finally over. I know these
missions are difficult and lonely. But they are crucial to our cause. It
is absolutely necessary that you bring this evil weapon back to the
church. As before, you are the only one that I trust with a matter of
such delicacy.
The sword is named The Bloodletter. Flesh split by this blade never
ceases to bleed, even after death. A demon has his eye on this sword. If
he were to obtain it, it would mean the end of our church and our way
of life.
Rumors of such a wound have reached my ears. The man's name was
Pitre, and he hailed from Hanweir in Gavony. Discover where—and by
whom—he was wounded, and follow the trail to The Bloodletter.
May Avacyn be with you on your journey.
Your loving father,
45th of Hunter's Moon, the year of Avacyn 719
* * *
* * *
(Letter from Reika Eberhardt)
Your most excellent Master Thatu,
I have something sure to interest one of your power and discerning
taste. A relic of ancient power. Something so potent that it has been
hidden away by those who one day hope to channel its power.
If this interests you, meet me at midnight on the 14th. I promise you won't be disappointed.
Yours in humble servitude,
13th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
* * *
(Personal journal of Reika Eberhardt)
7th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
Mama always said I'd come to no good. She was right. I took the Poniard's money.
I came so close to doubling my coin at Joiva's Gamehouse. But it's all turned to ashes.
I've got nothing except twice the debt I started with. If I don't pay up, the Order of the Poniard is coming for me.
They've already put up wanted signs naming me!
* * *
(Personal Journal of Reika Eberhardt)
10th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
But I could pay my debt . . .
No. I don't dare. If the cult discovered that I'd pilfered from the
secret vault, it would be more than just my blood that was forfeit. I'll
have to find another way.
* * *
* * *
(Personal journal of Reika Eberhardt)
12th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
They found my home. Carved into my door this morning was their sign: a poniard.
I'm marked. I have 3 days, assuming someone doesn't act on one their wanted broadsheets first. After that, I'm dead.
Unless I come up with the coin. I must act, damn the cult.
* * *
(Letter from Elder Adila Rimheit)
I am so very proud of you! You have come so far from the frightened
little girl I once knew you as. I know two things: you will go on to
greatness, and the instructors at Elgaud will have their hands full!
May Avacyn watch over and guide you my dear,
Elder Rimheit
116th of New Moon, Ava. 714
* * *
(Personal Journal of Raben Amsel)
76th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
A deeper sleep I have never slept, but a sleep filled with
frightening dreams I did not understand. A strangely dressed old man was
angry with me.
As I had chronicled yesterday, the leader of the footpads survived
our alleyway battle. I placed a foot on his chest as he lay on the
cobblestones, and pointed my sword at his neck. I then demanded the
knowledge I sought.
Not wanting to give too much away, I began by asking about the
thatcher, but this was a dead end. He had assaulted so many that trying
to get the details of one of his victims was futile. To speak of the
cursed blade was too dangerous, especially to this one. I could justify
killing the others, as they had clearly sought to end my life, but to
kill this one as he lay in such a position of weakness could not be
rectified. Of course, there was no reason for him to know this.
I pressed my foot into his chest and drew my blade back, intending to
knock him unconscious. He turned his head in anticipation of the blow,
and it was then that I saw it: the same mark that had been carved into
Pitre's body. The mark of Thatu.
"Thatu" escaped my lips in pure astonishment, and the man's eyes grew
wide with recognition. Seizing upon the moment, I said "Thatu sent me."
Another transgression, but I pray a necessary one.
His lips curled in horror, and he finally gave me the information I needed to know.
Thatu has traveled to Stensia, to a place called Maalfeld. Stensia
being a haven for Vampires, it is likely that he is one of them. The
sword must be quite a treasure to his kind.
I left the wretch sleeping off his headache in the alleyway. May Avacyn show him the way.
* * *
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
83rd of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
Encountered a group of Falkenrath Marauders a two nights ago. I've
been travelling by moonlight ever since crossing the border into
Stensia, in order to be alert for nocturnal enemies.
A beautiful woman knelt, bleeding, in the middle of the road. I was
suspicious, but the sound of her weeping bade my horse to stop, and I
dismounted. It was then that the trap was sprung.
No less than 9 vampires descended upon from the trees, while the
woman's weeping turned to laughter. I was outmatched and had little
recourse but to tell them why I was here.
"My quarrel is with but one of you. I seek out the Vampire named Thatu, and the blade he carries."
Their jovial faces turned quite serious, and at this I held fears
that I had said too much. A tense moment passed, then the leader nodded
to his band and they departed as quickly as they had appeared. The woman
stared at me, wide-eyed until she joined her cohorts in the inky
blackness of the forest.
I do not know if these brigands communicate with each other, but I do
know that the rest of my journey to Maalfeld was unhindered. Tomorrow, I
enter Thatu's castle.
* * *
* * *
(Personal journal of Thatu Reiniger)
36th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
I'm afraid Albrecht is no more.
I had met him in Stensia, as was our plan, and showed him the magical
sword. He reached for it, taking it in his hand blade-first. As he
hefted its weight, the blade slid through his grasp, cutting his hand.
The sight was almost comical.
Albrecht smiled, then his expression melted into one of anguish. His
wounded hand began to shrink and shrivel. Slowly, his body shriveled up
as if every drop of blood in him was being sucked out. A scream escaped
his lips and he fell to the floor, the silver blade clanging against the
To the living, this blade causes eternal bleeding. To the eternal, it
causes final death. Albrecht's calamity has revealed the sword's true
power to me. Perhaps they will finally give me a seat on the council.
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
85th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
A sleepless night followed by a sleepless day. Last night I met the vampire named Thatu.
I found his estate to be suspiciously unguarded. The dust-riddled
skeletons of dead vampires surrounded the entrance, their fanged skulls
being the only evidence of their former immortality.
Father, I drew the sword you had made for me. Its sigils and lines
brought a familiar comfort to this unholy place. My footfalls sounded
like the march of a phalanx in the silence that surrounded me, and I was
sure I would be beset upon at any moment.
I found him sitting at the end of a long, dark dining gallery, papers
and books spread before him. Had I no knowledge of who he was, I might
have taken pity on him. He seemed so small, sitting all alone in that
massive room.
I could see the blade resting against his golden chair. Then, as if
he could sense me eyeing his treasure, the creature leapt into the air
and swung the sword at my chest.
The battle was hard-fought. I had learned in training that the first
cut of a swordfight was the most painful. It was meant to inure us to
the fear of the blade. I myself have been cut many times in battle. But
now I could not allow even a single slice to get past my defenses.
His swings were wild and unfocused, and it was then that I realized
he was fighting for his dignity, not for his life. For reasons I still
cannot fully understand, this creature wanted me to kill him. Strangely,
this revelation made him less of an enemy to me, but an enemy
I pray for Avacyn's forgiveness, for I obliged his wish. As he lay on
the tiled floor looking up at me, he said words that haunt me still:
"This is the blade that will kill your father. Bringing it to him will
seal his fate!"
* * *
(Letter from Samson, vampire guard captain)
84th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
For years, you have been loyal to your lord Thatu. Out of respect for
this service, I do not ask you what I'm about to lightly. But you have
seen the path Thatu would lead us down. That sword is cursed, and it can
only lead to all our doom. None of us should hold that much sway over
the blood. We must work together to eradicate it.
You've done well to protect your lord all these years, but now you
must act to protect our kind. Or rather, not act. Even now, a human
crusader travels to confront Thatu. I do not know if he is protected by
faith or just unfathomably stupid, but I have heard the whispers just as
you have: he may be able to triumph where we could not. Ironic that his
human weakness should prove a strength against that foul blade.
Under normal circumstances, this human couldn't get within
half-a-day's journey without your righteous guards feasting on his
"stout" heart, but these are not normal times. You must offer no
resistance to this human. Let him find your lord in his chambers and
issue his challenge.
When Thatu falls . . . if Thatu falls, you would be welcomed back into our house as a hero, brother.
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
87th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
This sword is a most unnatural object. I have covered it in a swatch
of leather so that there will be no possibility of accidental contact.
The times that I have touched its surface, it felt warm and alive,
pulsing with evil energies.
I was severely fatigued after the battle with the creature, but I had
the presence of mind to confiscate some of its papers that lay spread
out on the table. I knelt in prayer, thanking Avacyn for my victory, and
then walked out as easily as I walked in. I do not pretend to
understand these creatures, nor their enigmatic motives, but clearly I
have been allowed entry into this realm, and I was allowed out.
I made camp a few hours ago, as the sun rose. I rifled through the
pages I took from Thatu, trying to divine some meaning from their
bombastic prose, when a single word leaped off the parchment and pierced
my mind: Reika.
She was a fellow initiate at Elgaud, and was dismissed under charges
of theft. I did not believe them at the time, for I had known her to be a
gentle soul that was still fierce in battle. Has she fallen so far?
I must return to Erdwal and find her. I will give her the benefit of the doubt until I can hear her own account of things.
* * *
* * *
(Letter from the mayor of Trostad)
Bishop Dartan:
This is the fourth letter I've sent to Thraben Cathedral in search of
assistance. There will not be a fifth. Actually, I am hoping I live
long enough to complete this letter.
On the west side of Trostad, near the graveyard, a vile ghoulcaller
named Gisa practices her foul arts, raising the bodies of our loved ones
into twisted undead horrors. On the east side of the city, her brother
Geralf is holed up in some laboratory he has created inside the smithy.
He is not just raising our ancestors whole, he is stitching together
skaabs, some as tall as three men, bent on utter destruction.
They are fighting each other and they shall not stop! You must make
them stop! Why are they fighting here? Our city is almost lost. Please,
send cathars. All of them.
Jolen, mayor of Trostad
44th of Harvest Moon, Ava. 716
* * *
(Invitation from Thatu)
I know that my name is not spoken of highly in your houses. Perhaps
not at all. But I assure you, that is all about to change. Bear with me;
this missive may be overly exuberant, but I daresay that once you know
of my news, you shall see such excitement is justified.
For centuries, the humans' church has protected them, restricting
your hunting and feeding activities. Your bloodthirst has been muted;
your birthright squandered. No longer! Their protection wanes and
weakens, and the time for vampire ascendance is now. I will lead the
How many times have you captured and fed upon an attractive young
human, only to kill them because they proved to be malnourished or
careless or some other excuse? It is tiresome and annoying, yes? But
what if I told you that you could now feed eternally on a single victim?
What if I told you that I have found the way to dominate the blood
trade forever?
In three days, I will be hosting a gathering of all vampire lords in
the region to secure our future. Under my leadership, the days of mere
survival will quickly come to an end. Under my guidance, vampires will
dominate not just parts of Innistrad, but all of it. Under my sword,
those who would oppose us will paint the ground red.
Join me.
38th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
92nd of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
I arrived in Erdwal just past midday. I rode through the gates on
horseback, wearing my Cathar's tabard with my sword at my side. I saw
the group that had accosted me upon my previous entry, though their
leader, Thatu's thrall, was nowhere to be seen.
Thoughts of Reika plague me. I cannot help but think that I could
have done more to help her avoid the path that she is on. Perhaps if I
had been a more attentive friend. Perhaps if I had returned her
In the end, each person's soul is weighed alone, so I cannot bear
hers as well as mine. She needs no help on the battlefield, so I cannot
presume she needed my help before. But still, am I not here to hold up
the worthy to Avacyn?
I shall begin the search in the morning. Tonight I seek a cell in the odd structure that passes for a church in this town.
* * *
(Personal journal of Reika Eberhardt)
30th of Harvest Moon, Ava. 716
I've shamed myself. I stole something from a merchant today. Just a
pretty trinket, nothing that I need. I've never stolen anything before. I
don't even understand why I did it. What is happening to me?
* * *
(Letter from Geralf, necromancer of the moors and brother to Gisa)
My dear Gisa,
Must you always cheat?
We AGREED on rules of conduct. The Five Laws of NecroWarfare:
1. No spontaneous awakenings.
2. No luring, killing, and raising of bystanders or livestock.
3. Combatants face off at a predetermined place and time.
4. Combatants must have at least three limbs to play.
5. Headquarters are off limits.
You cannot raise ghouls mid battle! You must send your army to meet
me in the valley. Do not flank me! Do not sneak up behind me!
Legless torsos do not count as soldiers. My skaabs have teeth marks
all over their legs from your draggy little meat sacks. Oh, I want my
sextant back. And do not come into my laboratory again!
You signed in blood. So it counts.
56th of New Moon, Ava. 717
* * *
(Letter from Raben Amsel)
I am so glad that you received the commendation. I know that we were
the final two candidates for the honor, but I truly believe it went to
the one who deserved it. You are a most worthy servant of Avacyn. I look
forward to training with you in the new year.
Your friend,
80th of New Moon, Ava. 715
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
93rd of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
The priest in this church has, I'm afraid, gone quite insane. He was
overly joyed to see me, and he almost fell on his face in an attempt to
welcome me to his church. Apparently he has not gotten a great many
visits here.
He fills every moment he can with useless prattle about the gangs,
and the vampire menace. Some people are a drain on the energies, and I
must take care not to let him siphon more than he already has.
That is not to say that he has been useless. He was able to start me
on my hunt today which has, so far, proven quite fruitful. The priest
directed me to a tavern called "The Wolf's Head," complete with the
stuffed head of a dog over the bar for effect. The innkeeper had seen
Reika, though he was elusive as to where. He seemed afraid to tell me
the truth, and not even my standing as a Cathar seemed to sway him.
Fortunately—or rather, most unfortunately in the grand scheme of
things—those who do not respect the church still respect the coin. He
ushered me to a corner of the tavern, swore me to not reveal him as the
source of my information, and then he told me about the pits.
Reika has apparently been captured, and is working off her debts by
fighting in the pits for sport. I felt a strange sort of elation at this
knowledge. I know where she is, and most importantly, I know she is
Woe to the foolhardy pit fighter who would underestimate her!
* * *
(Letter from Gisa, ghoulcaller of the moors)
While I mourn the loss of the manor, you cannot say I did not warn
you. Geralf is a simpering, insane idiot. If it had not been a fire, it
would have been an explosion. You should have forbade his alchemical
experiments years ago and locked him in the attic.
And no, he did not get the body parts from me. As you know, I would
never share any choice bits with that priggish little snot. Maybe he
stole them—I thought I recognized Meyer's severed arm. But he should not
have been in the basement anyway. I have warned him many times to
listen or I would cut off his ears.
It was around 3:30 when one of his second-rate skaabs came lurching
into Mother's parlor. Father, it was laughably pathetic. It stumbled
into the fireplace and lit the room ablaze. Poor little Geralf scampered
about the room like a squirrel without even the brains to stamp out the
I wanted a baby sister! With a red ribbon in her hair. Why did you ruin our lives with HIM?
Your firstborn by an hour,
45th of New Moon, Ava. 715
* * *
(Letter from Reika Eberhardt)
Dear Elder Rimheit,
Thank you for your kind letter. Of course I understood why you didn't
come to my graduation. I would never expect you to come back to
Thraben. Not after what happened to Elsi. I think of her every full
moon. I wish I had gotten to meet your beautiful red-haired daughter.
I seek your council. You know how I loved my studies at Elgaud
Grounds. And I was honored for the placement to the cathedral. But I
feel lost here. No one guides me. Everything is formal and cold. I'm so
close to the angels—I see them daily soaring above the cathedral. But
the light of Avacyn has never felt so far away.
Your faithful student,
17th of Harvest Moon, Ava. 716
* * *
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
94th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
I am on the road once again. Or I should say, we are on the road.
Last night I found Reika fighting in the pit, just as the innkeeper
had described. I wore my travel attire so as to not arouse suspicion. I
paid my entry fee and sat as Reika made short work of a mountain of a
man wielding two hammers. While it was good to see that my old friend
had not forgotten her lessons from Elgaud, the joy of the crowd at this
vulgar proceeding left me most unsettled. There is enough free misery in
this world. To profit from it seems a special sort of blasphemy to me.
Finding her after the fight proved almost futile. I had to show the
pitmaster my patents, and once again set a bargain with an enemy. I
would not disclose his blood-ridden enterprise, and he would permit me
to take Reika with me.
Our reunion was one part joy mixed with two parts urgency, for she
had much to tell me. Her revelation spurred me to leave Erdwal
immediately, and to take the most direct route possible to Thraben
Cathedral. This route takes us straight through the moors. Not ideal,
but my father must hear what I have heard.
Reika is calling for me.
* * *
* * *
(Personal journal of Reika Eberhardt)
31st of Harvest Moon, Ava. 716
I did it again. Coins from Cathar Trinar. He acts like I am beneath
him. Like I am only Kessig scum. He comes from a landed family in
Nearheath. A few coins mean nothing to him. I never knew how arrogant
people from Gavony really are.
* * *
(Letter from Geralf, necromancer of the moors)
My dear Gisa,
I cannot abide your poor sportsmanship any longer.
I am adding a new rule to the Rules of NecroWarfare:
6. No magical swords.
If you have one, then I should have one. But, as you know, I DO NOT. I
implore you, sister. Your wretched sword ruins everything.
* * *
* * *
(Letter from Geralf, necromancer of the moors)
Dear Father Whom I Adore,
You taught me to speak frankly, and I have always heeded your advice.
It was Gisa's fault. She alone burned down our ancestral manor.
It pains me to reveal your only daughter's true nature. You always
gave her the best in life, far better than me. But I was happy to be the
shadow to her blazing sun.
You must not blame yourself that one of your offspring (her!) took
such a macabre interest in the grave. Nor was it a tainted bloodline,
for I share that blood, and I have none of the obsessions of
Here is the stark truth: I heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from
the basement. Gisa sprinted up the stairs with a ghoul swiping at her
heels. I fought bravely as she cowered, but it overcame me. It was only
by sheer force of will that I was able to carry Gisa out on my shoulders
as it smashed the room to bits—the scraps igniting a fire—which sadly
took the entire manor.
Please father. Punish Gisa for her gruesomeness if you must, but permit me back into the fold.
Your ever obedient son,
Geralf the Third
45th of New Moon, Ava. 715
* * *
(Letter from Father Jofridus)
34th of New Moon, Ava. 704
Greetings Master Cathar,
I commend you on the quality of last year's graduating class. The
martial academy of Elgaud remains the sharpest sword in Avacyn's armory
because of your unwavering service.
Which is why I am writing.
I implore you to admit the young man bearing this letter, and train
him as a disciple of Avacyn. I have looked into his heart. I have seen
all that he is, and all that he could be. He is an ideal candidate for
Elgaud. In him I foresee a future cathar who may eventually stand with
the Church's finest champions.
I saved him from brutal life of thieving on the streets, a life about
to end dangling from a militia's hanging rope. I saved him in the name
for the Church. For that, prayers to Avacyn now spring from his lips. I
want the same to be true for a weapon to his hands, wielded in her name.
Please do me this favor, and more: treat him as if he were my own son.
Father Jofridus, Citadel of Avacyn
* * *
(Letter from Gisa, ghoulcaller of the moors)
Must you always whine?
I agreed to nothing.
1. I shall raise ghouls anytime I wish. You are just mad because
you have to run back to your sewing machine while I can just whistle
them up from the grave.
2. If a farmer is stupid enough to check out a creepy light, then he deserves to be killed with a shovel and become my servant.
3. A predetermined place and time? What is this, a tea party?
4. Those so-called "meat sacks" are models of efficiency. You cannot
even make a skaab walk without giving it 17 different body parts.
5. I didn't take your stupid sextant.
As always, you lack the brains of an infant,
58th of New Moon, Ava. 717
P.S. I never said it was my blood.
P.P.S I want Father's book. Kill as many of my emissaries as you
like. I shall make more until you hand it over. And next time, they will
be bringing gifts.
* * *
(Letter from Gisa, ghoulcaller of the moors)
I like my sword. When I hold it, I can feel it breathing. It is
glorious. And you will never get your dirty little fingers on it.
In fact, I am holding it right now. And it puts me in the mood for a festive new game called Kill the SkaabMob.
Give up. You lose.
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
95th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
We have finally found respite in this strange land. I had known the
moors to be a dangerous place; but I had not known this first-hand. My
last entry was interrupted by Reika shouting at me, and as I emerged
from the cairn we had made camp in, I saw why.
We were beset on all sides by every manner of walking dead. Twisted,
vile creatures writhed and moaned as they lurched towards us. Some had
been stitched together to form unholy abominations, while others were
just pitiful folk who had not been permitted the blessed sleep.
I had learned how to fight these creatures when I trained at Elgaud,
but I had never met them in battle. Their sad gurgling noises frayed at
my nerves, but I summoned my energies and hefted my sword. I could not
tell how many there were, but my training taught me to fight the enemy
in front of me before fighting unseen ones. With a shout, I entered the
I would like to report that I had laid waste to the unbreathing
horde, but this was not to be. I cut many of them down, but their
numbers seemed to be ceaseless, and for each body I returned to the
ground there were three to take its place.
I lost track of Reika, but she had evidently ran back into the cairn.
When I finally found her again, she was wielding the Bloodletter. My
anger welled up inside of me, but was soon surpassed by awe: the sword
was especially effective against the undead. Whenever its cursed blade
touched a zombie, the thing fell to the ground instantly, shriveling up
as if the sun had baked it. Reika cut a gory swath through our enemies,
and I have to admit to being struck by her beauty as she waded through
the sea of claws and teeth. Perhaps this is why the vampires would not
attack me in Stensia.
My rhapsodic episode would be short lived; for no sooner had I
witnessed the gruesome effectiveness of the weapon, than a huge rotting
fensnake darted towards her, took the sword in its panoply of teeth and
slithered away like lightning. I felt the ground beneath me shift as the
object of my quest disappeared in to the night.
No doubt we would have been overwhelmed, but for the kindness of
Geralf, a young man of these parts. He ran to us waiving a torch, and
the undead seemed to be dazzled by his sudden appearance. He has taken
us back to his manor house and given us shelter for the night.
Father, I fear all of this has been in vain. I pray that Reika's
knowledge of the blasphemy under Thraben Cathedral will not reach your
ears too late.
* * *
* * *
(Personal journal of Reika Eberhardt)
96th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
I almost lost Raben's sword. It was pure luck that we got it back. As
always, everything I do is a failure. Have my mistakes marred me
forever? Do good men like Raben look at me and know what I am? My shame
feels heavy and endless, like a yoke I will never be free from.
Despite the uncertainty, I am more hopeful than I have been in ages.
If I help Raben, perhaps the church will forgive me. Perhaps I could be
reinstated as a cathar. I see the way Raben looks at me sometimes. But
then he quickly looks away. Perhaps once we have completed this task, I
will be worthy to hold his gaze.
* * *
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
Deposition of Reika Eberhardt
Taken this 98th of Hunter's Moon
In the year of Avacyn 719
By Cathar Adept Raben Amsel
It was near the 40th of Harvest moon back in 716. I had been sent to
Thraben Cathedral after completing my training at Elgaud at the
beginning of the year. I had grown tired of the sterile routine of the
place, and I began wandering the grounds at night.
It was on such a night that I noticed a man walking behind one of the
ruined statues in the ash garden and not emerge as expected moments
later. I went to the statue and could not find anything suspicious. I
then noticed that the stones at the statue's base had been moved
recently, and it was underneath them that I found the passageway.
The small tunnel went down for a ways, then leveled off and went in a
direction that I believed to be straight towards the cathedral. I crept
along cautiously, since the whole place felt cold and unnatural. When I
came to the tunnel's end, I saw a huge chamber that looked like a
natural cave. I could hear water but I did not see any.
In the center of the chamber, I saw nine men wearing robes. They were
surrounding an altar and chanting in a language I did not understand.
One of them raised a dagger, and brought it down quickly. I then heard a
scream. I became very frightened and ran out of the cave.
Two nights later I returned. The men were gone, but I saw the fruits
of their labor: several weapons, carved out of a type of silver I have
never seen.
I swear an oath that these are my words, and that they bear the truth.
* * *
(Personal journal of Reika Eberhardt)
38th of Harvest Moon, Ava. 716
I have taken to wandering the cathedral grounds at night. The other
students gather in the Buttery, but they do not like me. I wish Raben
was here, but in the end he did not seem to like me either.
Tonight I will investigate the ash garden.
* * *
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
97th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
It has been a long two days, but we are on the road to Thraben once more, sword in hand.
I had explained to Geralf the importance of getting the sword back,
and he explained that it must now be in the hands of none other than his
sister. She was an insane necromancer, he explained, and had been
terrorizing the moors with her army of undead for years. He was merely
here to stem the tide of her designs and eventually stop her.
Our ally gave us food and shelter, and I admit I have never dined so
well in all my days. I tried to sleep, to rest after the battle at the
moors, but my brain was plagued by my failure.
Last night, we were invited to a feast by our gracious host, and at
this feast we would learn the true nature of our benefactor. We were led
into a grand hall, with a long dining table set in the middle of it. I
expected the hall to be filled with the village's inhabitants, and in
the strictest sense of the term, I was correct. Geralf announced our
presence with a flourish, and our would-be dinner companions looked up
from their plates.
Each one was a stitched congregation of stolen parts, an arm here, a
lip there. Some had been made to resemble the humans they once were,
while others were more grotesque sculptures of flesh, with four arms or
twin torsos.
Geralf beamed with pride, and clearly sought our approval at such a
display. Reika made no noise, but as I glanced at her I could tell we
shared the thought: it was time to leave.
I had to decide how to extract ourselves from this ridiculous event
without raising this insane man's ire. As fate would have it, the
decision was made for me. The windows suddenly shattered, and another
dripping horde of undead poured through.
This time, they were accompanied by a woman I could only assume was
Geralf's sister, since she was wielding the Bloodletter and shouting
commands to her army. Once she saw Geralf, her anger took a new focus.
She demanded a book—pointing at the mantle where indeed, a
skin-covered book was set, open to a page covered in crimson symbols.
The undead of both sides commenced to battle while the two siblings
began to partake in childish bickering over who owns the book.
Reika took this chance to simply walk over and grab the book,
dangling it over the fire. Brother and sister stopped their argument and
both let out a shriek that stopped each of their undead armies
"Give Raben the sword or your precious book will be no more than ashes!"
Perhaps there is hope for Reika yet.
* * *
* * *
(Letter from Reika Eberhardt)
Dear Elder Rimheit,
I desperately need your help. I found something here in Thraben. It
is something that I must talk to you about as soon as I can. Please, can
you send me coin to come home?
Your faithful student,
39th of Harvest Moon, Ava. 716
* * *
(Personal Journal of Raben Amsel)
99th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
I cannot be sure if I am being objective when it comes to Reika. It
is true that she had feelings for me back in our days of training at
Elgaud. I have never admitted before that I had the same feelings. I
only write this now so that my words can be judged alongside the heart
that wrote them.
If I were but a simple thatcher, I could have lived a life with her.
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
101st of Hunter's Moon, 719.
Time is not measured by days, but by who we were when it passed us.
I write these words yet I do not know why. What is the purpose? All
that I know has been an illusion. I have built my house on a pile of
stinging salt.
Is this real? They say the dead dream too. Perhaps I am dreaming.
If I am dead, then I am haunting these pages with the truth. If I am alive, the truth will haunt me forever.
Where to begin? We arrived in Thraben yesterday, and I bade Reika to
wait in the narthex while I gave Jofridus the sword. How strange it is
to write his name now.
He touched my brow in blessing, then took the cursed sword and set it
on his desk. I then told him I had far worse news, and that he should
hear it from a witness. I called Reika into Jofridus's chamber.
Those were the last minutes of my former life.
She walked through the door, and from the look on her face, I knew
that something was terribly wrong. "YOU!" she shouted, and before I
could react, she lunged across the room at Jofridus.
I expected him to be surprised at this sudden attack, but he looked completely unshaken, as if he expected it.
"I saw you kill that woman under the cathedral!" Reika was shaking
with anger, as she took Jofridus by the shoulders and began shaking him.
To my astonishment, Jofridus grasped her by the throat and threw her to
the ground as if she was made of paper. How could such an old man
display such strength? I would soon find out.
I made a step to intervene, but it was a step too late. Reika jumped
back up and charged him. Jofridus calmly removed the sword from its
leather wrappings, and thrust it through her belly.
I still do not know if the scream I heard was hers or mine.
I will not write anymore tonight. I would pray, but I've wasted enough breath.
I think I hear them coming. Perhaps I will let them find me.
* * *
* * *
(Letter from Raben Amsel)
I have heard unbelievable rumors about you. I am loath to listen to
idle chatter, as you know. But I am concerned about you. I heard you
were accused of theft. I refuse to believe that you are capable of it.
There is a man at Thraben Cathedral who I consider to be my father.
His name is Jofridus, and I urge you to seek him out and ask his
counsel. He will be able to help you with this matter.
I am sorry for the way we parted. I should have answered your letter.
Of course I consider you my friend, Reika. But I have pledged my life
to Avacyn and serving the church. I cannot let anything distract me, or I
fear I would fall, once again, into ruin.
Your friend,
57th of Harvest Moon, Ava. 716
Category: Undeliverable
Signed: Master Hantsen, postmaster of Thraben.
* * *
(Letter from unknown sender)
118th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 718
K.R.'s wife came to see me today. She says he was taken by the
militia last night. They have him in the stocks outside the River
Barracks. She will plead to the Master Cathar this morning. So far, she
does not want me to intervene.
Please notify I. B. and Whip. I will arrange for a food package to be delivered to the barracks.
Watch yourself, friend.
* * *
* * *
(Letter from Holger Burk, Master Silversmith)
41st of Harvest Moon, Ava. 718
My Dearest Adalee,
Another success! I know my absence has been trying—for both of us—but
I believe that another 20 days of travels will ensure that I will not
need to leave our home for another year!
My bargain with the Thalbergs has reached a conclusion, and now I
must take the news, and contracts, to their associates along the Kappel
road on the outskirts of Kessig. Werewolf attacks have been increasing
steadily, and they need my wares and knowledge to help them survive.
I know what you must be thinking, and yes, it is not a trip without
risks. But think of the reward! To be able to spend a harvest festival
and New Moon feast with you and the children, and all the days in
between! Jana and Mikel have not had a pair of birthdays without my
taking leave in between them. I miss them, and you, dearly.
Whenever I see moonlight sparkling on the ring I wear, I know that yours must be sparkling too.
I love you always,
* * *
* * *
(Letter from Bishop Waechter, of Thraben Cathedral)
66th of Harvest Moon, Ava. 711
Elder Rimheit,
Your station may not be as remote as you would think. Word has
reached us regarding your efforts toward finding a cure for lycanthropy.
We find this disturbing, indeed. Rumors of werewolves taking sanctuary
within your parish are now common amongst the populace. This cannot be
abided. As a representative of the Church of Avacyn, it is your duty to
protect us against such evil, not offer it asylum.
Given your family history, it is understandable why you would take
this course of action, and I am sure your goals are honorable. However,
it is dangerous and irresponsible. You must cease this activity at once
and take steps to secure your walls.
Inquisitor Mauer has requested permission to investigate. I have
advised him that is will not be necessary. I trust you would agree.
Bishop Waechter
Church of Avacyn
* * *
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
101st of Hunter's Moon, 719
I had thought that my training with the church had lifted me above my
criminal upbringing. Now that I am a fugitive, I have returned to those
treacherous ways all too quickly. Today I have lied, and I have stolen.
We are all fruit that is never very far from the tree.
I fear I must write more of what happened that night in Jofridus's
chambers. Perhaps a stronger man than I will someday read these words,
and he must hear the truth. I mourn the veil of denial that used to
cloak me in its comforting warmth.
After he murdered Reika, Jofridus turned to me with a fervor I had
never seen before burning in his eyes. I was stunned into silence, a
shame I carry still. Reika deserved a better eulogy than that.
My world was slowly shifting under my feet. I felt as if I could not
stand. My face was wet with tears, and yet a smoldering anger was
welling up inside of me. Jofridus could see it in my face, and he made a
move to step between me and Reika's crumpled body.
Let her go, he said, let her go and join me. You can fight for Avacyn
for millennia, for eternity, he said. He peeled back his vestments to
reveal a twisted metal yoke that had burned its way into the flesh
around his neck and chest. I have one for you, he said, all you have to
do is take it. Take it and live forever.
Living for an eternity suddenly seemed like a damnable chore.
No words could find their way across my lips. I simply turned my back
on him. He shouted for his guards, and declared me heretic. He said he
had proof that I had been worshipping demons underneath the cathedral.
It was this final act of betrayal that left no doubt in my mind that the
man I had thought of as my father all these years—the man that had
pulled me from the dirt and gave me this life—that man was dead. In his
place was this thing in front of me.
I realized that there could be no proving my case in Thraben. The
cathedral that I had been named after would be a prison if I was to
stay. I had no choice but to run. And run is what I have done these past
If there is an Avacyn, may she guide me to justice.
* * *
(Letter from Adila Rimheit)
64th of New Moon, Ava. 699
Bishop Martyn,
I have given our discussion careful consideration. While I appreciate
your concerns, I am resolved to accept the position of parish priest in
North Kessig. Given the recent tragedy in my family, I am inclined to
return to the province of my birth and the place where my family takes
their Blessed Sleep.
Hardship has not lessened by faith. I assure you that the death of my
daughter will not affect my service to Avacyn. In fact, I now
understand the church in a way I never did before.
Adila Rimheit,
Priest of Kessig
* * *
* * *
(Letter from Holger Burk)
54th of Harvest Moon, Ava 718
My Dearest Adalee,
I fear my trip will take longer than I expected. The werewolf attacks
of the last full moon decimated three of the villages along the Kappel
road, and I barely escaped with my life.
Fear not my love! I fought as bravely as you would expect, and am now
convalescing while my minor wounds heal. It may be harvest moon before I
can return. I also may find it difficult to write anymore, as all
couriers have stopped riding through this area. It was only by sheer
chance that I found the fleeing merchant who will hopefully deliver this
to you.
I know this may sound bleak, but I will be walking through the door
of our manor before your tears have dried on this page, I promise you!
Until then, kiss Jana and Mikel on the forehead for me, and tell them
their father loves them very much.
Forever your husband,
* * *
(Personal journal of Adila Rimheit)
104th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
Reika is dead. Just like Elsi, she died without me. She died in
Thraben, that wretched city of sorrows. I wish I could curse it and
shatter its walls. I would turn it into a lair for werewolves, if I
Like Elsi, her body is lost. The world devours my daughters and spits
horrors back into my face. Yet I sit staring at the wall, these words
like blood pouring from my fingertips. I hate myself for lingering here.
And yet, what should I do? Throw myself upon the ground and weep? Blame
Avacyn? Mourn all the murdered who prowl the endless night? No, that
path is the death of the soul.
Find hope, stand up, and help the ones you can.
* * *
(Letter from Elsi Rimheit, daughter of Adila Rimheit)
118th of Harvest Moon, Ava. 699
Dear Mama,
I miss you! Grandfather says we will go to Thraben soon, but I'd
rather you just come home. We went picking blackberries yesterday.
Remember last year when I filled two buckets? This year I filled three!
Grandfather says you would have been proud of me.
There were wolves outside last night. I could hear them snuffling on
the other side of my wall. I was so scared without you. Grandmother
tucked me in, but she doesn't make the blankets the way you do.
Please come home soon!
* * *
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
102nd of Hunter's Moon, 719
I have found refuge in a small village in Kessig. I don't know its
name. I sold the sword Jofridus had made for me, and I have found room
and board above a stable.
It was here that I finally opened Reika's pack and inspected its
contents. I told myself that I was looking for money, or any item that
could aid in my survival, but the truth is that I simply missed her. Her
cloak still smelled of her, like flowers after a rain. Reika, I failed
you so long ago, and only now do I feel the pain of your absence.
Her journal revealed to me a name: Elder Rimheit. Reika clearly saw
her as a mother figure, even though like me she never knew her true
roots. I hope this Rimheit proves to be a true mentor, and not like the
puppet father I once knew.
Word of my status has not yet reached Kessig, so I must act quickly.
This elder may hear my words differently if she knows I am branded
heretic. But hear my words she must, for Reika's death cannot go untold.
This woman, whomever she may be, was the closest thing Reika had to a
family. As such, she deserves to mourn Reika as much as I do. No, I have
not earned the right to mourn her yet.
In the morning I shall leave this place and seek out Elder Rimheit.
* * *
* * *
(Letter from unknown sender)
121st of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 718
Disregard my former correspondence. They are using K.R. as a detector
at the village gate. They are searching for false silver. Please advise
me on the ramifications for us. Or better yet, come as soon as you get
* * *
* * *
(Letter from Jorgin Rimheit, father of Elder Rimheit)
23rd of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 699
We will be in Thraben in less than two days. Elsi has been afflicted.
Bitten or wounded by an abomination. The priest has already accused
her. We must get her out of Kessig.
I'm bringing you your daughter, and by the power of church, you must protect her.
Your father,
Jorgin Rimheit
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
103rd of Hunter's Moon, 719
Ereschstag, the town of Elder Rimheit's parish, was a short ride on a
stolen horse. I never thought I would be chronicling my own crimes, yet
once this is over I will gladly hand over the evidence of my sins and
pay the price. It is the only way I can redeem my name.
I found the church easily enough, as a group of pilgrims were
marching in slow progression towards it. I fell in line with them, and
walked that lonely walk that is only possible when surrounded by
strangers. Twilight was taking over as the sun lost yet another battle
with the moon.
To my surprise, the procession turned just before it was about to
ascend the church's steps, instead filing into a gated opening leading
to the catacombs underneath. A strange custom of Kessig, was all I
thought upon entering.
I heard a metal clanking sound ahead of me, and that was when I
noticed that the catacombs had been refitted to form some sort of
prison. Stranger still, this sullen congregation had begun locking
themselves in, one per cell.
So much twisted reality had assaulted my brain over the past few days
that I can never be sure if I am dreaming or not. It was then that one
of the self-imposed prisoners spoke.
"You don't belong here. I suggest you leave—for your own sake!"
Just then I heard the unmistakable sound of stone grinding on stone,
and I looked down the ragged hallway to see a heavy door rolling into
place. I started to run, but it was futile. I would soon learn the
nature of this charnel house.
It started as an agonizing scream. The people in the cells began to
twitch and convulse, as gurgling noises permeated the cavern. The man
who had warned me was now staring intently at me, as the body around his
eyes began to twist and contort.
The sickly sound of ligament being torn and flesh being stretched was
unbearable. As disgusting as it was, I could not look away. I watched
as the man's humble form twisted and bent into that of the werewolf. The
screams and gurgles were soon replaced by howls.
At every cell, clawed hands slashed at the air, intent on flaying the
flesh from my bones. I had fought these creatures before, but only when
the numbers favored us. Now I was but one piece of meat in a hall of
The jail bars had clearly been reinforced to contain these things,
but I did not know if it would contain their strength at being so close
to food.
I found myself kneeling in prayer. Perhaps I have not lost all of my faith.
In the morning, the guards that rolled the stone door open greeted me with a blow to the head.
* * *
* * *
(Letter from Adalee Burk)
76th of Hunter's Moon, Ava 718
I received all the letters I wrote you, unopened. Why have you
shunned me so? I know about your condition, and I do not care. I want my
husband back—your children want their father! I know you think you are
protecting us, but at least break this curse of silence and write to me!
The common wisdom is that there is no cure for werewolves. But who
are we to make such definitive statements, when so much in our world
remains undiscovered?
I have scoured the library, and have made as many inquiries as I
dare, and have come up with a possibility. There is a church in Kessig
that is rumored to be harboring werewolves, giving them shelter and also
looking for a cure! I beg you, find your way to Ereschstag, for it is
believed to be there. They have not yet found a cure, but if you would
only stay there perhaps you can benefit from their research.
You see my love? This need not be the end of our story. There is hope.
Hope is all we have. My hope of seeing you again helps me to keep a brave face for our children.
Your Adalee
* * *
For Crimes against
Consisting of
Aiding and abetting a known Werewolf
Bearing false witness to a representative of the church
And fleeing justice in connection with said crimes,
Is hereby sentenced to
This sentenced to be carried out on
87th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 699
Where he shall be hanged by the neck until dead
Though he has turned his back on her,
May AVACYN show him mercy in death
* * *
* * *
(Personal Journal of Adila Rimheit)
104th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
I will not let grief paralyze me. I must approach this with a rational eye. Here is what I know:
We captured a man last night. I thought he was a cathar spying on our
hostel. He was indeed a cathar, but he is a fugitive from the church.
He calls himself Raben, named for the city of sorrows itself.
I always believed that Jofridus was a pompous, disingenuous fool.
Now, I know he is far worse—a corrupt heretic. And if Raben's account is
true, he murdered my daughter.
Raben saw Reika die. I think he loved her.
When I look at Raben, I want to weep. It is as if he is balancing on
the sharp edge of a blade. One wrong move, and he will fall from grace.
Although Raben is fragile, inaction will be the end of him. So I gave
him these commands: Go to Thraben. Capture Jofridus and take him to the
Lunarch. Unveil the corruption in the belly of the church.
And bring me back my daughter.
These actions can save him. But if things go awry, only Avacyn will be able to lift his burden.
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
104th of Hunter's Moon, 719
Elder Rimheit has made her case. Make this right, she says. I know
her life has not been easy, which is why such a reductive viewpoint
surprises me so. It is not as simple as making things right. It never
What would she have me do? Expose Jofridus for the demon-worshipping
traitor that he is? Grab him by his ear and drag him to the Lunarch
himself? News of this treachery would likely do more damage than good.
If the church's name were to be sullied, so many innocents would suffer
the consequences. Whether Avacyn is real or not, the idea of her is all
that is keeping humanity alive.
She wants justice. Justice for the church, for Reika, for her poor
young daughter Elsi. I haven't the heart to tell her the truth; there is
no justice. Nothing can make the death of a little girl right. No debt
can be repaid that will even the balance. Hang a man, desecrate his
corpse, enslave his spirit—will that erase his wrongs?
Justice exists only as an idea that makes the blind masses feel safe.
The only true law is that of costs. Cold, brutal economics. A man can
steal as much bread as he wants, as long as he is willing to pay the
price in pain and time. Murder is not evil, it is merely expensive.
By this account, Jofridus is much in debt. And soon I will collect.
* * *
(Letter from Adila Rimheit)
34th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 699
Bishop Martyn,
I implore you to stop this madness. There is no proof against my
daughter. She is 8 years old! You can not condemn her based on such
flimsy circumstances. She is a faithful child of Avacyn. She will grow
up to be a servant of the church.
I beg you. Give me time. I will prove Elsi's innocence. Or I will find a way to heal her.
Please. She is my life.
Adila Rimheit, Ecclesiast
Thraben Cathedral
* * *
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
109th of Hunter's Moon, 719
We are making haste back to Thraben. Tonight will be the last night
of full moon for this month, and we cannot spend it on the road. My
newfound ally, Holger, travels with me. He is a man of some means,
having been a master silversmith. His skills were made useless when he
was cursed as a werewolf, and now he has taken residence at Elder
Rimheit's hostel. She is hoping to find a cure. Hope is the most
dangerous of all human emotions.
Our horses have collapsed, and Holger is busy acquiring fresh ones
from the local stable. He has also given me armor and weapons from his
own collection. Now that he has already accepted his mortality, material
objects no longer hold sway over him. A gift only imminent death can
give us.
His plan is simple, yet it will no doubt cost the lives of many
cathars. Men who have fought beside me in battle, brave and fearsome. I
try to muster guilt over their inevitable deaths, yet I cannot seem to
stir my heart. Perhaps it no longer beats.
I hope to find Jofridus tonight. As dangerous as hope is, I am more dangerous still.
* * *
(Letter from Holger Burk)
109th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
Dearest Adalee,
I had feared for so long that any contact I had with you would only
give you false hope of my return. Now I know that even false hope can
keep a candlelight burning, and I fear that my silence has only added
salt to your wounds. So here I write.
I have been living this past year in the church you told me about in
your last letter. The priest here has been touched by the curse like you
have—not in the flesh, but in the family. She is a kind soul, and
together we have built a hostel that can contain those of my kind during
the change so that they may not harm others. It is no cure, but it buys
us time. This explains the stipend the exchequer may have told you
The cure has still eluded us. Many experiments have ended in tragedy,
so much so that the priest has suspended them for the time being. Many
have died, or worse, ended up like me.
There is no way out for me, my love. No way I will return to the life
we once shared. I can only hope to end my days honorably, and to
restore some sense of pride to our sullied name. I believe I have found a
The deeds to my estate are locked in the hidden box within the
fireplace. What was once ours will now be yours alone. If you take your
ring, and break the setting, the claws that held the gem form the key. I
wanted it this way, so that if I should die you would no longer wear
the ring and hopefully find happiness without the memory of my death
overhanging you.
I shall take my ring with me into eternity.
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel)
111th of Hunter's Moon, 719
My hands are cold, and I find writing to be more difficult, but I must chronicle my meeting with Jofridus.
We came upon the cathedral at dusk, and said our farewells. Holger
was very calm for someone who was about to meet his fate. When and how
we will die is a question that looms over us from birth, and perhaps
finally having the answer was liberating for him. It certainly was for
I hid in a nearby wood and watched him make his slow way to the
cathedral steps. He looked over his shoulder at me only once, and
smiled. As hard as it was for me to pity his soon-to-be victims, I had
to pity the man as well. He was kind, good and just. And this world took
those from him and more.
As soon as the sun dipped out of view, I heard an unholy growl,
followed by screams and shouts of orders. I watched the ground guards
rush to the cathedral, and I knew this was my chance.
With my newly acquired armor, I passed for just another cathar on his
way to securing this holiest of holy grounds. I found my way to the ash
garden, to the stones Reika's journal had described. Underneath, the
tunnel stretched away into the darkness.
At the end of path was a huge, natural cavern. I could hear the
waterfall, and the air was thick with mist. Standing in the center of
the chamber, next to a rune-carved altar, was Jofridus.
He was alone, and apparently expecting me. The sword was nowhere in sight, although I would be reunited with it soon enough.
"I knew you would return, my son. I have been preparing for it."
My anger had reached its boiling point. Calling me his son had
ignited a fury inside me, and I drew my sword and charged him. Nothing
could stop me now, no force could keep me from my purpose—none save a
familiar voice uttering a single word.
* * *
(Letter from Holger Burk)
108th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
For so long, we have fought this war, side by side. I have always
been so proud of the way you turned your own tragedy into a crusade. So
few people have a true legacy, and yours will endure long after you are
laid to rest. I have much regret in my life, but working with you and
your cause is something that will be a bright spot on in the black mark
of my time here.
Raben's arrival was a clarion call to me. I have so far been content
to support you both morally and fiscally, yet my heart yearned for
something more profound. I see in this Raben something of myself in
younger years. Perhaps we are cut of the same cloth. At any rate, I have
decided to offer him the help he needs.
I have waited until my departure to tell you this, because I knew you
would never condone such a course of action. Even though that city of
sorrows has taken so much from you, I know that your kind soul would
never allow such a plan to come to fruition. So I have relieved you of
the responsibility of protest.
Tomorrow night I shall say my final prayer as one condemned to a fate
I have not deserved. My werewolf form will finally prove useful to a
noble cause, and Raben will use the distraction I create to find the man
that has dealt such a blow to him.
Tomorrow I move into the belly of the beast. I hope I will buy enough
time for Raben to complete his mission. I hope I do not kill too many
of those noble men who will deliver me from my curse. I hope that in
doing so I have still retained your friendship and respect. Please think
no less of me.
Above all, I hope that my family name will regain some of its former
glory, and that when my story is someday told, it will not be in hushed
whispers, but in proud toasts. For all I have is a tattered legacy, once
which I feel should be patched up before being passed along. I hope you
* * *
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel, continued)
It was Reika. She sat in the corner of the chamber, her beauty as
radiant as ever. She wore a flowing white dress that laid in crumples
around her, a simple garment that still managed to make her look regal.
I slid to a halt. The air had been knocked from my lungs, and I
dropped my sword at my feet. I had no time to stop and consider how she
had survived the Bloodletter's kiss, or why she was here now. All I knew
was that a chasm within me seemed suddenly filled, and that I needed to
take her in my arms.
I ran to her, and knelt down before her. She reached out and took my
hand. My consciousness had been screaming that something was wrong, but
it had been drowned out by the cacophony of emotion I was feeling. As
soon as our skin touched, reality finally rammed through the portcullis
in my mind.
Her skin was inhumanly warm. I flinched at her touch, and as I looked
into her eyes I saw them change briefly from the misty blue I had come
to know to inky blackness and back again. Whatever this was, it was not
Reika. I withdrew, and the creature looked confused. As I stood up and
retrieved my sword, it began to howl and scream.
It stood up, and blood began to stain the belly of the dress as the
wound caused by the Bloodletter opened up again. It clawed at the soaked
cloth until the wound was revealed, but this time it was ringed with
teeth as a snakelike tongue lashed out from it.
The thing's eyes began to glow like stars, and its teeth grew and
sharpened as it assumed its true form. Its elongated fingers ended in
claws the size of spearheads, and its screech grew to a painful level.
Jofridus's revenge had backfired. This profane abuse of Reika's
remains had given me a strength I had never known. For better or for
worse, I was not the Raben he had last seen.
I swore an oath as I charged the thing, and it parried my blow with a
sword of its own—the Bloodletter. The last time I met this cursed bit
of metal in battle, I had to change my tactics in order to avoid its
eternal wound. This time, I had no such misgivings. There is nothing
quite as powerful as having nothing to lose.
My attack was a thunderstorm of swinging blades as I took all the
anger over Reika's murder, as well as Jofridus's betrayal, and focused
every ounce of it on my silver sword. The thing fought like a snake,
darting and weaving, but no amount of agility would keep me from my
purpose. The sound of my heartbeat was throbbing in my ears as I let out
a battle cry and pounced on the vile creature, driving my blade through
its chest and into the stone underneath it.
It let out a shrill cry, and began to twitch and writhe as it slowly
turned back into Reika's body. Its head jerked up and locked eyes with
me, and the glimmer of recognition flashed in their blue depths. As her
last breath escaped her lungs, I heard her say it.
"Thank you."
I stood up, near-exhausted. My heartbeat was louder than ever, and I
realized it was due to the cuts I had received from the cursed blade. I
looked down and saw each one pulse with every beat of my heart, pumping
forth blood. I began to feel dizzy, but then I remembered why I was
there: Jofridus.
* * *
Deposition of Cathar Callan Ahnstat
Taken by Inquisitor Mauer
115th of Hunter's Moon, Ava 719
I had just begun my service, and was stationed inside the cathedral
near the seventh apse, preparing to give prayers to the pilgrims. I had
noticed a distinct lack of attendance that night, and I wondered if my
presence was even necessary.
One of the few pilgrims that night had been kneeling at the main
altar for some time. It was a practice that was common in the old days,
but had been frowned upon in recent years. I took note of his aged
appearance, and allowed the transgression to pass.
I did choose to move closer to him; in an effort to observe him more
closely so that I may offer guidance should he need it. It was not at
all unusual to have someone praying well before services commenced.
People are here praying for Avacyn's return at all hours. Yet as I
approached I heard the familiar syllables of the prayer of the
condemned. Despite his grim gaze, he seemed as free as you or I. For a
brief moment I considered asking him why he chose such an obscure prayer
while so many others would have been more apt. In the end I decided
that each man must decide on his own how to beseech our dear Avacyn and
that it was not my place to question him.
I had taken to blessing one of the guards' shields when I first heard
the scream. I rushed to the sanctuary and drew my sword. I expected a
fight had broken out between some merchants or some similar nonsense.
But it was no small scuffle I came upon—a hulking werewolf was rampaging
amongst the pews! There were many screams and much chaos. Everyone was
running, save those that were frozen in terror.
I charged forward, ready to defend my church. A werewolf within the
walls of Thraben Cathedral! It was unthinkable, yet here it was, only a
few feet from me. I glanced around—it seemed as if an entire banner of
cathars were on the beast in mere moments. As I approached, I saw the
tattered robes of the man who had been praying only moments before!
In my shock I had been stunned into complacency, and as if sensing
this, the creature charged. I felt the slick, sickly walls of its throat
on my arm as its mouth clamped down on my shoulder and bit it off at
the joint. My brother cathars renewed their attack and the thing was
finally brought down amidst the flashing of silver and steel.
As I lay bleeding on the cold stone floor of the sanctuary, I watched
the thing revert to its human form. I cannot be certain, but I remember
it having a smile on its face. Not one of happiness, but one of sincere
relief. As if a great burden had been taken from it.
By the grace of Avacyn, he was unsuccessful in whatever purpose
brought him here. I am proud to have stood with my brother Cathars in
defeat of this evil, and until Avacyn's return, we remain ever vigilant.
I swear an oath that these are my words, and that they bear the truth.
[Signature of Callan Ahnstat]
Addendum: Brother Ahnstat is currently in quarantine awaiting the full moon.
Addendum the second: Brother Ahnstat has emerged from the full moon
unchanged. He is hereby released back to the Cathedral service.
* * *
(Personal journal of Raben Amsel, continued)
I tried to pull my sword out of Reika's body, but it was lodged in
the rock beneath her. I saw the Bloodletter lying next to her, and in
one swift motion I took it by its grip and confronted the man who had
taken everything from me.
For his part, he hid his fear well. He clearly had not expected me to
survive my encounter with Reika's demonically possessed body. He pulled
the neck of his robe open to reveal the yoke and said "You can't kill
me, boy. Not even the Bloodletter can harm me now. Consider the position
you are in and put that thing down!"
"Then you will not mind if I test it out!" And with that, I lunged.
He jumped back, avoiding my blow but exposing his lie; the Bloodletter
would do just fine.
My strength was slowly leaking out onto the floor, so I had little
time. The butcher's bill of his crimes was due, and I would be the cost.
I found new strength in his deception, and lunged at his frail form. At
first I had thought the blade had only pierced some folds in his robes,
as there was not the familiar resistance that normally accompanies
flesh. But his halted scream confirmed that the Bloodletter had taken
another victim.
He fell backwards, sliding off the blade and onto the stone floor of
the chamber. Coughing up blood, he looked up at me and tried to speak.
"I have no need of your lies any longer." With that, I swung the blade and decapitated his pathetic form.
Drunk with blood loss, I stumbled to the floor next to him, my blood
mingling with his in pools around us. I was quite ready to die there,
quite ready for my story to end and perhaps to see Reika once more.
That is when I saw the yoke. With each heartbeat, it called out to
me. Each one, like the last ticks of a clock, chiseled away at my
thoughts. I looked at Reika's sad remains. I thought of Holger's brave
sacrifice in the cathedral above me.
I knew then what I must do. Reika would go home again. Holger's
family would know how he died. Both would receive the blessed sleep, and
all it would cost me was my eternal soul.
I reached over to Jofridus's headless corpse, dug my fingers into his
chest around the yoke, and tore it off. I used the last ounce of my
strength to place it around my neck, and gasped as the unholy metal
knitted and melted into my own flesh. My heartbeat slowed to a stop, and
so too the bleeding. I writhed in agony as each wound closed itself up.
I was something different now.
So this book, once a place I went to for enlightenment, now becomes
my epitaph. For whatever the case, whether I am evil or whether I am a
coward, Raben is no more. Perhaps he never existed in the first place.
Maybe he was merely something to comfort me in my blindness.
I shall write no more. There are others whose bills are due.
And I will be the cost.
1st day, year one.
* * *
120th of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 719
Notification of Corpse Release
By the Holy Church of Avacyn
Name of Deceased: Elsi Rimheit
Cause of Death: Accidental Blunt Trauma
Time of Death: Unknown
Origin of Deceased: Ereschtag, North Kessig
Released to: Elder Adila Rimheit
By Order of: [The order is left unsigned]
* * *