Saturday, June 29, 2024

Magi-Nation - More Starter Deck contents

 We had previously published the original starter deck lists.  Now it's been pointed out that we were missing some, the demo decks form conventions (these had letters and numbers instead of rarity on the cards) and the Japanese Starter decks!  As well as some other starter decks!  So here they are!

Japanese Awakening Core Starter Deck:

Thanks to ZucriyAmsuna for support in finding this.  (In order of deck opening): 

    Agram's Armor
    Nightmare Channel
    Shadow Bones
    Shadow Bones
    Mind Blank
    Mind Blank
    Dream Rift
    Dream Rift
    Dream Channel
    Core Grag
    Grim Goblet
    Grim Goblet
    Dream Channel

    The last 11 cards, in no particular order:

    (random common x5)
    (random uncommon x3)
    (random rare x2)
    (random foil)

    And a small die, either black or white. (Black might be rarer.)

Convention Demonstration Decks 2000

sourced from  

Deck 1: - Orothe and Cald.

Abaquist ×2
Arbolit ×3
Baloo Root
Bwill ×2
Coral Hyren ×3
Fire Ball
Fire Chogo ×2
Fire Grag ×3
Flame Control ×3
Giant Parathin ×2
Hubdra's Spear
Lava Balamant ×2
Orothean Goggles
Relic Stalker ×2
Ring of Secrets
Scroll of Fire ×2
Submerge ×3
Syphon Vortex ×2
Typhoon ×2
Undertow ×2

Deck 2: Naroom and Arderial

Balamant Pup ×3
Cloud Narth ×2
Cloud Sceptre
Energy Band ×2
Giant Carillion ×2
Leaf Hyren ×2
Lightning Hyren ×3
Lovian ×2
Pharan ×2
Relic Mirror
Relic Stalker ×2
Robe of Vines
Sap of Life ×2
Shockwave ×2
Shooting Star ×3
Staff of Hyrens
Storm Ring ×2
Tap Roots ×2
Timber Hyren ×2
Vortex of Knowledge ×2


Furok Guardian Promotional Deck

thanks again to ZucriyAmsuna.

Furok Guardian
Vortex of Knowledge (Unlimited)
Eeebit (Unlimited)
Twee (Unlimited)
Tree Hinko
Forest Blessing
Forgotten Dancer
Forest Jile
Arboll Stalker
Shadow Vinoc
Core Hyren
Shadow Rain
Essence of Naroom
Chaos Jile


2001 GenCon Demo Decks

from's list, and remade together with the community!  They had no rarity, but listed a card set number instead, NS for Naroom Shadow, K for Kybar's Teeth, and W for Weave. Each Deck was 23 cards to be a half deck to test for MND and play que

Core (Naroom Shadow):

NS1 Nodj
NS2 Garan
NS3 Jip
NS4 Wasperine
NS5 Evu's Jellybeans
NS6 Vim and Vigor
NS7 Chaos Jile
NS8 Chaos Plith
NS9 Dark Furok
NS10 Garadan
NS11 Grax
NS12 Orok
NS13 Agram's Armor
NS14 Agram's Staff
NS15 Secrets of the Book
NS16 Dream Rift
NS17 Naroom Shadow Geyser
NS18 Stealth
NS19 Vaporize
NS20 Rayje's Sword
NS21 Evil Evu
NS22 Hrada
NS23 Warrada
    Kybar's Teeth:

K1 Agrilla
K2 Crag Quor
K3 Giant Baldar
K4 Giant Chogus
K5 Moga
K6 Moga Pup
K7 Rock Hyren
K8 Stone Quor
K9 Yark
K10 Xamf
K11 Climbing Staff
K12 Hogra Stones
K13 Kybar's Scroll
K14 Yark Gloves
K15 Ascend
K16 Feet of Stone
K17 Stone Storm
K18 Roar
K19 Jagged Rocks
K20 Tomorrow's Jewel
K21 Groll
K22 Kazm
K23 Hok

W1 Bungaloo
W2 Drowl
W3 Frusk
W4 Grass Hyren
W5 Junjertrug
W6 Pagajack
W7 Speag
W8 Uwamar
W9 Weave Hyren
W10 Zassyfer
W11 Junjertrug Horn
W12 Tuk Berries
W13 Uwamar Beads
W14 Weave mat
W15 Binding
W16 Drought
W17 Lifeweave
W18 Sheath
W19 The Hunt
W20 Rayje's Cloak
W21 Artyva
W22 Bo'Ahsa
W23 Quirle


2002-2003 Convention Demo Decks

Arderial and Cald Decks 2002-2003 Convention series: 

A1 Kalius
A2 Flutter Yup
A3 Warlum
A4 Shooting Star
A5 Rayalon
A6 Water of Life
A7 Book of Ages
A8 Vemment
A9 Storm Cloud
A10 Lightning Hyren
A11 Sorreah's Dream
A12 J'Lith
A13 Xyx Minor
A14 Shock Vashp
A15 Alaban
A16 Thunder Vashp
A17 Elder Vellup
A18 Tranquility
A19 Xyx
A20 Lightning
A21 Lovian

C1 Vorga
C2 Arbolit
C3 Smoke Xyx
C4 Scroll of Fire
C5 Fireball
C6 Fire Chogo
C7 Braggle
C8 Fire Flow
C9 Warrior's Boots
C10 Drakan
C11 Lava Flow
C12 Sulfurous Spirit
C13 Giant Arboll
C14 Firefly Swarm
C15 Magma Jile
C16 Abraxin's Crown
C17 Diobor
C18 Krawg
C19 Syphon Vortex
C20 Magma Hyren
C21 Lava Balamant

Kybar's Teeth / Orothe:  Half decks for 2002-2003 conventions, they had 1 magi and rarity by Region First letter and set number. 

K1 T'Lok
K2 Baldar
K3 Giant Baldar
K4 Ascend
K5 Gratch
K6 Agrilla
K7 Granite Parmalag
K8 Shard of the Great Fossil
K9 Jagged Rocks
K10 Akkar
K11 Moga Pup

O1 Quilla
O2 Hubdra's Spear
O3 Orothean Belt
O4 Iximin
O5 Tidal Wave
O6 Blue Yajo
O7 Submerge
O8 Bog Wellisk
O9 Riptide
O10 Wellisk
O11 Bwill

What other cards or versions of Magi-Nation Duel releases are we missing from the 2000-2003 era?  With the Kickstarter in full production, we hope you find this interesting as a piece of the game's history!