Traitor's reach was a set of Magi-Nation Duel cards that were never printed in paper, but we have the whole set released. Magi-Nation was a game heavily influenced by story, and often, story elements (untold anywhere else, as there wasn't web-fiction for it) appeared on cards. Traitor's Reach was the set with the most such flavor text, so we've compiled all of the relevant storyline flavor text below. A synopsis of what we can tell from it:
The dark twins had created the Nightmare construct from Kybar's Fang and the knowledge found in the Great Library, and gotten access from T'lok, who was turned by Warrada, and became a traitor.
The coalition of magi from many regions assembled in Naroom, with Nar magi heading out first. They had a meal together, then hiked to the Teeth.
Groll discovered T'lok's treachery, and the Twins amassed an army in the mountains, gathering Jalex, Yayek, Togoth among other unnamed shadow magi.
The battle was large - there's many instances of Magi and Shadow Magi battling - the most explicit is that between Xandia, T'lok, and Vorga. You can read the flavor text on: Flame Jakla, Gorath Cub, Molten Gauntlets, and Xandia.
What else did you get from the story? We'd love to hear in the comments below!

Barrelling Vemment
A flight of Vemments charged Togoth, pummeling his nightmare creatures into animite dust
Bone Cragnoc
"The creatures in the Teeth are beginning to take a slightly more malevolent look. Perhaps we should investigate."
Bria, Relic Hunter
"Qwade, it's perfect! How do I use it?"
Brog, Swamp Thug
"Olabra's in charge now! You answer to her or you find yourself in exile. Got it?"
Caldera Aq
The Cald Magi charged up the slopes of Kybar's Teeth, hurling fire as they went. Before them loomed the forces of the Dark Twins.
Carillion Titan
As Yaki's creatures charged the foul minions of the Core, the carillion titan continued to grow, moving slowly but surely toward the Great Library.
Circling Darbok
As the collected forces of the Moonlands converged on the slopes of Kybar's Teeth, darboks began to circle, looking for weak creatures to take advantage of.
Crystal Saris
The Shadow Magi were too busy fending off Gogor's assult to notice that the saris had doubled in size.
Dark Vellup
Harror ambushed Dey in the vast expanses of d'Resh. "Time to pay, fool," she hissed, between clenched teeth.
Flame Jakla
T'lok sood over Vorga, ready to drop a massive boulder on the prone Magi. Just then, Xandia's Jakla appeared and blasted T'lok off the edge of the cliff.
Velouria's creatures surrounded the twisted furok. A blue flash of energy flowed from creature to creature, sucking the energy from it.
Gorath Cub
Chains wrapped tightly around Xandia, forcing a scream of rage from her lips. T'lok stepped from behind a boulder. "You didn't think I'd be that easy to get rid of, did you?"
Grapple Tooth
Hrada's spell barely missed Hok as he rolled off the cliff. His trusty hook saved him from a long, painful fall.
Groll the Fallen
"Tlok! What have you done?"
Grotto Phrup
Bria's phrup nullified the magic of the relics guarding Evu's study. A brief search of the premises revealed exactly what she had been looking for.
Harvest Feast
"They make take our land, but they'll never take MY KITCHEN!" yelled Poad. With that, the coalition forces ate what might be their last meal before the assault on the Dark Twins.
Korremar, Avatar
Korremar met Rayje and Sinder on their way out of Paradwyn. It was easy to convince the legend and his apprentice that their goals were the same.
Lanyx, Reaper
"It's time to repay some people for their treacheries. Korremar, Barak, Harror..."
Lightning Braggle
Lightning rained from the skies onto the heads of the Shadow Magi. Whenever it touched the ground, the electricity took the form of a braggle.
Molten Gauntlets
"No one hurts my little sister! Especially not some two-bit Shadow Magi!" Xandia looked over the cliff to see what had become of T'lok, but he was gone.
Muck Shovel
"Hah! Your Pyder is mine now! "Arosa boasted. "Not for long," Blygt said, a sneer on his face.
Nightmare Construct
"I've got something for that meddling Rayje, and his little apprentice too." - Warrada
Polar Eebit
Laranel and her people arrived too late to help Yaki free Naroom but they were among the first to head for Kybar's Teeth to fight the Twins.
Pruitt, Ringsmith
"Yaki, why won't you look at me? What have they done to you?"
Togoth laughed. "You old fool! You may have defeated my drush but you've made my dryte stronger!" "Don't worry, I've got plans for your dryte." Mobis said.
With a swish of her wrist, Salara's orshaa grew in size. Warrada's ball of purple energy bounced harmlessly off it.
Shadow Fird
Flocks of these foul beasts now follow Sperri wherever she roams.
Shock Ring
"Alright, Jalex, it's go time. Show me what you've got." -Ora, Defender of the Sky
Shroud of the Master
"You're not worthy to bear such a noble burden, Hrada. Take it off at once!" -Morag
Sinder, Apprentice
"Sinder, go help the others. Warrada is mine." -Rayje
Slinking Greal
"Who cares where these things came from? All that matters is that they seem to want to help." -Yaki, Core Stalker
Snag Arboll
The new tricks that Yaki had learned in his solitude took Hrada by surprise. Dream creatures appeard from teh surrounding underbrush, leeching the energy from Hrada's dark furoks.
Sneaky Weebo
"Yes,brother, they do seem to be taking a liking to you." -Warrada
Speag Sprouts
At a gesture from Iyori, the speag sprouts swarmed as the core hyren dove in for an attack. Weaving energy between themselves, the sprouts began to grow in size.
Stagadan Charger
"CHAAAAAAAARGE!!!" - Poad, Innkeeper
Stubborn Chogus
The ferocity with which the Chogus covered Groll's escae amazed him. "I must report T'lok's betrayal to Targ'n before it's too late," thought the battered Keeper.
"Don't bother, T'lok. I'm prepared for your tricks."
T'lok, Traitor
"Of Course I'll show you how to use Kybar's Fang."
The cragnoc began to collapse under the barrage of Core creatures. Hrada's laugh of triumph turned to a groan of despair as he realized that all his Dream Creatures were in the shadow of the falling beast.
Twisted Dreams
Togoth snapped his fingers. The approaching ormagon let out a bellow of pain, then vanished in a flash of light.
Vine Bhatar
With a powerful lash, the vine bhatar ripped energy from the gorath, leaving it dazed and breathless.
"I'm very protective of my little sister. Mess with her, and you mess with me."
With Nagsis missing, Yayek has made his way to Hrada's side.