The community hosted a 10th Magi-Nation Duel Tournament - and this time, with a theme. This event was a memorial tournament, named "Wence's Wanderings".
2020 Summer Tournament:
This event was a memorial event for a MND fan who just passed.8.27.20
@randomactsofme also known as Steven Adam Collins passed away just over a week ago. Steven was vibrant, excited, and creative to a fault. When our apartments were too hot, he jerry rigged a swamp cooler out of a five gallon bucket, a computer fan, and a bucket of ice.
Magi Nation was mentioned at his funeral as he would often drag his family into matches. His brother also lamented always being forced into evil roles in games (the axis in axis and allies, the empire in star wars, and the core in MND) because Steven loved the heroes.
Steven loved games and owned two companies that made game materials, Dungeonbrick and The Arcanist’s Armory. Many people will miss Steven’s products, and more people will miss him as a person. Feel free to participate in his honor. (Written by user/Artimillies Strongbow)
The event was hosted online similar to past events, running swiss rounds with a cut to Top 8. Decks were permitted to use both Unreleased sets, Traitor's Reach and Daybreak, as well as Unreleased Promos. Twenty five players signed up to compete, likely partially due to the special prizes donated by the community and one of the original creators of the game, Phil Tavel. You can see some of them below!

Prizes were announced as follows:
We had some wonderful donations by user/Drakk2, an anonymous user, and original
game designer Phil Tavel! Here are our prize breakouts!
game designer Phil Tavel! Here are our prize breakouts!
1st- uncut sheet, choice of Phil Tavel signed promo (of original 5)
2nd-pin (of choice) plus set of lesser promos, choice of Phil Tavel signed promo (of original
3rd-pin (of choice) plus set of lesser promos, choice of Phil Tavel signed promo (of original 5)
4th-choice of 1 of better promos, and set of lesser promos, choice of Phil Tavel signed promo (of original 5)
5-8th 3 random smaller promos (3 cards total). the last choice of a Phil Tavel signed promo (of original 5) or one of the 3 animite cards.
Random winner not in top 8: choice of special promo.
1 Random secret prize: 1 Promo Magi
Sportsmanship or promotion/streaming: hat (Random winner not in top 8, with some
You can see a live update of all rounds and standings in this window below! Scroll in the window to find each round!
Here are the top 8 players' standings!
In First place, with a 5-0 undefeated record, is Joker!
In Second, at 4-1 is Whipporwill
In Third place at 4-1 is Shadow_DT
In Forth place at 3-1-1 is JK007
5th through 8th are as follows:
5. Tessei with 3-1-1
6. ZucriyAmsuna 3-2
7. Kroodhaxthekrood 3-2
8. Grunfindel 3-2.
And here is the top 8 single elimination bracket!