Found on a archive of the website: Insiider, here was Jimmy
Wong's visit tour to the Interactive Imagination Offices, in Seattle,
Washington! This was posted on Insiider around 2001. Originally written by Sniiper.
So it was the day, Thursday, and my entire school year
seemed to be building up to these small joyous moments I would have during my
small time for summer, and this was one of them. Without much planning ahead, I
was to take a trip over to Interactive Imagination in downtown Seattle and pay
a visit to all of them.
::: Page 1 - Beginnings
Part 1: The Bus
Public transportation isn't fun, for sure, and Seattle
public transportation at 9:00 AM isn't any better. Starting out with just me on
the bus, the amount of people slowly escalated until I was forced to shove all
card binders and everything else onto my lap, with the now rising sun burning
down on my neck. Worst parts of that bus ride? Took longer then it was supposed
to and it also involved an old asian lady with a stinky cast right in my face.
Part 2: Finding II
Well off the bus now, I knew I had to find Main Street and
walk towards the water (thanks to Rich Werner's almighty advice), and also to
see a homeless shelter, The Mission (conveniently located next to II itself).
Some homeless people in the alleys, some homeless people smoking in the alleys,
not the most pleasant site. At least the water was nice.
What I also found however:
Clog Shop, home to the best Clogs in Seattle. Probably gets a ton of customers
Better then The Mission's daily breadline.
Public transportation isn't fun, for sure, and Seattle
public transportation at 9:00 AM isn't any better. Starting out with just me on
the bus, the amount of people slowly escalated until I was forced to shove all
card binders and everything else onto my lap, with the now rising sun burning
down on my neck. Worst parts of that bus ride? Took longer then it was supposed
to and it also involved an old asian lady with a stinky cast right in my face.
Part 2: Finding II
Well off the bus now, I knew I had to find Main Street and
walk towards the water (thanks to Rich Werner's almighty advice), and also to
see a homeless shelter, The Mission (conveniently located next to II itself).
Some homeless people in the alleys, some homeless people smoking in the alleys,
not the most pleasant site. At least the water was nice.
What I also found however:
In any case, I was almost there, since The Mission was
directely across the street from Quizno's. Walking down the street, I spotted a
few MND posters, and crossed the street (only to be barely missed by some crazy
trolley probably driven by a maniac). But I had found II.
Big Door of Doom. Inside Ed Bolme works at his computer.
other smaller door of doom, inside where the Management works.
- homeless people, druggies, and Clogs. Lots of Clogs.
Props - loveable trolleys and loveable bus rides.
2: Finding II
Part 1: Steve, Mikey, and Ed
Finally getting to the darn place, I enter to greet Mike
Sherman and Steve who are at the front.
Steve McLaughlin's magnificent computer. I hear the Top
Ramen is a few months old.
It's Mikey! (Looking through Steve's foily binder) and
picking out who knows what.
I'm greeted by Mike S. and Steve, and sit down for a little.
I say "Hi" to Ed as well and a few of the artists walking by (all are
nice except for Rich, who decides to call me something rude. Oh well, I'll get
back at him later). Mike and I play a few games of Magi-Nation at a small table
by Steve's desk (we both went 2-2 I believe). DIdn't get any pictures of the
"exciting" games however.
Afterwards; Steve, Mike S., and I talk about playtesting
stuff (private!), and I help to design a new card hopefully released in the
future. Mike S. gets to sit in front of Steve's computer for an hour-long job
and make sure the card names are consistent (sucker).
Moving along to take more pictures, I take one of Ed's
computer and the board right next to his. Emlob and Yricho sit on his keyboard,
as a Cartman Beefcake toy is in front of the board.
Ed Bolme's computer, with a pretty screensaver on. Purrrty.
The big list of things, with lots o' stuff on it, behind
Ed's desk.
Part 2: Artists!
Moving into the artists area, I meet up with all of them and
of course, take pictures.![]()

The artists' board of things to do, with different jobs
assigned to everyone.
Ryan Shreve hard at work (with a mysterious picture on his
Rich is there too, and being my "favorite" artist
of all time, he shows me a few pictures he's been drawing up for Japan (no
pictures or I get killed though). He however does show me some cool 1000
animite art he's been working on for someone, and his mini pet hedgehog he
keeps. Chana and him also decide to tell me about my dook eating experiences,
which I still deny.
Rich Werner admiring
his custom art piece. Pencil sketches on the right, and a mini-comic hanging on
the wall.
Also seen here was Rich's only friend, some hedgehog doll he
found in the streets, and currently living by his feet.
Concerning the hedgehog doll, it earlier oozed out a ton of
nasty liquid when he tried to scan it....and it's old leg distenegrated in the
process. After having to actually touch the hedgehog, I moved on to Matt's
area, next to Rich's.
Tons of coffee cups, papers everywhere, and one huge Wacom
tablet lay before him as he colored in a self-portrait of himself for the site.
I also got a sneakpeak at some Japanese MND cards that the Kodancha company
could print out themselves in their basements.
Matt's computer with his self-portrait on it, along with a
large Wacom tablet.
Coffee cups ahoy! Matt must be on one caffeine high
And of course some random art area pictures for your

Tim Gillette's workspace and two seemingly random computers
are to the right of Tim's.
Kermit the Frog hangs above all the artists for reasons
Now walking to the other parts of the office, and meeting up
with Jimmer, Mike, Jenifer, and Dorcas.
Slops - more reflection on Jim eating dookie, and petting
Rich's hedgehog
Props - seeing cool art that most everyone else will have to
wait until II releases it!
::: Page 3 - The Rest
Part 2: Lunch time!
First off, everyone was getting hungry, so Mike L., Mike S.,
Steve, Jimmer, Chana, Rich, Tim, and I all set off to a nearby Mexican
restaurant to get lunch. Only 6 blocks in a sweltering 90 or so degrees, the
walk to the Mexican restaurant wasn't too pleasant.
No pictures of any of that however, since I'd think there
were too many Coronas and margaritas for anyone to even smile straight ;).
Back at II after lunch, I came around to Jimmer and Mike L's
area to check it out.
[Dead photo- lost to time ]
Jimmer's work area, with random cards splashed across the
table. Rather cluttered.
[Dead photo- lost to time ]
Mike L. posing while 'looking professional' by staring at
his custom art screensaver.
A few mini boxes full of animite orders and a big ol' stash
of unfinished business lies by Mike. He also tells me that the Foil Signed
Drush that was to be sent out in the animite orders still sat in his be on the watch for one of those soon!
I tried to take a picture of Mike S. front on, but he was
too quick to the draw, and we can't forget the Spanish Magi-Nation poster to
the left of Mike at the time.
[dead photo- lost to time]
Away you demon webmaster of Insiider with a camera!
[Dead photo- lost to time ]
Magi-Nation Brasil! The site is at
Spinning to the right, we can see the work area of the
webmaster, Dorcas Bean, and Jenifer Hunter.
[Dead photo- lost to time ]
The webmaster's domain, to the left leads to the bathrooms
and management areas.
[Dead photo- lost to time ]
Dorcas' work area, strangely...empty, but to be filled later
of course.
And more...
Jenifer Hunter's working area, with a nifty little Beatles
poster too.
Another shot of Jenifer's office and could it BE? Book of
Ages 4 might be on her chair...
Well since the tour really is over for me (except to stay
there until around 4), and I'm quite sorry I couldn't get any of the management
pictures in...didn't want to disturb them (they seemed busy and I didn't want
to be rude). So here's the rest of the pictures from the trip, enjoy!

An overview of the area. Top two computers are Steve's and
Ed's, and to the left is the area for artists. Mike, Jimmer, and Dorcas are
bottom right, and the webmaster and Jenifer are in an area to the bottom left.
What's this? Some II member on Insiider? Could it be Mike L.
or Jenifer...or perhaps someone much more....sinister?
[dead photo-lost to time]
Jimmer is one ugly ugly baby. Or he just has a t-shirt that
[dead photo- lost to time]
The mysterious cubicle with nothing in it except for some
chairs and window washer.
Another shot of Mike L's office, brown boxes presumably full
of vault pulls.
Someone's office? I actually have no idea... oh well, it's
just an office then.
Well thats about it for me....after getting hopelessly lost
(and having to call the Tibblypuff for instructions on how to get a bus to
Cardhaus), Mike and I hopped on and I disappeared without a trace (or a
goodbye). All in all it was a good experience, and plenty of fun. Thanks to
everyone there for not stuffing me in a closet or giving me headlocks - except
for Steve.
I do plan on going back sometime in the future however, or
maybe even doing playtesting with them next summer, but until then, cya later.
Thanks for reading! You can read more articles on Magi-Nation on the main page.